
Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy describes the personal information that may be collected and processed by us, what we use your personal information for, when we collect your information, how we might use and disclose your personal information, and the choices you can make about your personal information.
This Privacy Policy applies to all our websites (however accessed or used) whether via personal computers, mobile devices, or other technology (“Device”) and other interactive features, applications or downloads that are operated by us that are available through these websites and contain this Privacy Policy produced and maintained by us (collectively “Website”). By using the Website, you acknowledge that you’ve read and understood this Privacy Policy. 

A cookie is a small piece of information that the website that you visit transfers to your computer for identification purposes. Cookies can be used to follow your activity on the website and that information helps us to understand your preferences and improve your website experience. Cookies are used to remember for instance your user’s name and password. We may also use cookies to target certain advertisements or promotions to your browser which may be of interest to you. You can choose to accept or decline cookies. Most web browsers automatically accept cookies but you can usually modify your browser settings to decline cookies if you prefer. This may prevent you from taking full advantage of our website.

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